Wednesday, July 5, 2006

Lastnite's Hockey....

It was a blast. more New players joined the group. A lot were falling down and having a crazy fun time. Welcome CJ, Andy, Alex n Andrew. Hope ya guys had fun. Wheels were are dead. Sticks were loosing weight. Players were getting still having fun. i guess this sport brings a smile to faces. Great to see players of all ages, locations gathering at one spot playing their guts out.

No one hurt today, thank god. One our poor shitty wheels. I lost 3 wheels today! Shit man. Think we need to start carving rocks and stones and to use them as wheels. haha.

So its confirmed. We will practice every sunday for the Mission Cup in Singapore. Ramesh came up with this idea of collecting RM5 per week from all players. The Mission Cup will be in Singapore sometime in May. This collection will be used for transportation/ hotel/ jerseys for the team. Olivia will be in charged of the financial aspect. we feels ladies are better in keeping money. haha.

Right now we have about 16 players only. Anyway we are not hoping to win anything, just to have a good time and to bring back the sport. the rough 16players we hope will play for us is Craig, Steven, Ramesh, Brandon, Steve, Nick, Herman, Peter, Olivia, Mike, Khairo, Izwan, Anwar, Madhazir, Kevin, Azlan.... Anyone interested kindly write in the comments section of this blog. we need committed players not super stars k. don’t forget no man is an island... pls watch the movie mighty ducks to understand wat a team sport is like..

Back to todays session. We have alot of dedication n heart from a lot of players who are regular and we see alot of improvements coming from ya all. Nick, Mike, Olivia, Steve, Madharis, Anwar and Herman. Keep up the good job. don't worry bout the falling down. remember no fall no balls (only aplies for the guys k).

So this Saturday we will be having a SNS HOCKEY FEST from 8.30pm onwards at the court. Be there k. cos we will be doing a demo game for the rest of the recreational skaters and probably a clinic. well i am dead tired right now. some more have to wake up later for the world cup semi finals. Die wei.

CJ my man. Thanks for coming and have a safe trip back to Alor Star. before you go back to

London, drop by k. Azlan thanks for sending CJ (harry Porter back to Subang) make sure he didn’t turn you into a frog k. haha..

Poor harry, everywhere kena bang!

This Sunday there will be no morning Hockey due to the Hockey Fest on the following nite k. so please take note people. Skate smart people.

Oh yeah, before I forget, I forgot to bring my digital camera but we brought a camcorder (view camera). We will be loading it up somewhere this week k. gtg now.


1 comment:

  1. Kudos to Craig and Lina (and of course all of us) for dedicating time and effort to revive the sport after a long lapse of time it had died down. For some reason, inline skating and roller hockey never did let up in other countries but in M'sia. Much has been lost as talented roller hockey players and skaters alike lose interest and simply gave up the sport due to the lack of popularity and marketing. Nevertheless, it's not too late to catch up with times and hopefully M'sian skaters will be known internationally, well at least be heard of. So CJ, we're banking on ya to do some PR for us to the 'mats' over at London so tht at least they know we exist. With that hopefully more superstars (in the world of skating, that is) like Naomi Grigg will come this way and show us a thing or 2. Last but not least, we have to thank our local instructors for their valuable time, patience and persistence in cultivating the love for skating!
