Thursday, March 15, 2007

Craig's camera MC07

hahaa///.. here are the last few pix in my camera... sad la.. here you can see our mascott.. this white wolf dog.. its a real beauty.. and the guys at ECP.. sad to leave singapore....

here you can see Ramesh freaking the shit of the dinasour! hahahaha.. stupid wei!

but we will return again.. and this time accomplish another goal!

More from Craig's CAmera.. MC2007

here you can see us at our apartment. it is a really cool place opposite Botanic Gardens Singapore.. The food courth there is cool man.! Also you can see the few of us on the las day having our Carl's JR.. Burger! the worlds largest non Halal Burger! Yahoo! if you guys eat this. you dont have to eat dinner!

also some pictures of us at East coast park! You can see that we had so much fun by just walking. the other guys went skating the whole East Coast PArk! Their pictures i will load later.

any that dinasour retar... can you spot the difference.... Dr. Mambai Ramesh.. Silly la!

All Just pure Fun!



Some off-Court Pix of MC2007

guys, sorry the pictures here are from my digital camera. Our other camera with all the game pictures are screwed up because the memory card is giving me shit.. i will try to fix it but anyway here are some fun pictures of the FUN you missed.
it was a 3 day sunburn holiday where we nearly died.

the apartment was cool and all 17 of us had so much fun.


Making The News.. MC1011032007

Monday, March 5, 2007



This is the 2nd Inline Hockey tournament Team Underdogs will be participating in after long comeback of almost 10 years. The team has grown in numbers after a year since they started back. Myself Craig Lee, team Captain calls this ‘Bringing back the dead’. Many others, and myself has been with the ‘Underdogs’ since 1995 where they first formed the team which then grew into Champions.

As for now, we hope to get as much exposure as we can from this Mission Cup 2007 tournament and to bring back the experience to teach the younger and new players. Our other objective is to also meet up with the other players in the tournament to learn & exchange ideas along the way. And lastly, to hope that one-day we will have our very own roller-hockey rink just like or more equipt than the Singapore rink so we can train to be the best. We would like to thank our sponsors and everyone who supported us along the way. Good luck to the guys and make sure you have fun! That is more important than winning. Remember, ‘Don’t pass in-front of the GOAL POST’ and that there is no “I” in TEAM! (except teaming).

Those interested or want to learn more can contact us at or visit us at

Majulah Sukan Untuk Negara.

Craig Matthew Lee
Team Underdogs Captain.